• Career starters

Field Report

IT Solutions

Natalie joined LEONI as a working student. She now works full-time in IT Solutions and optimizes our product change management.


My story at LEONI

My name is Natalie and I have been with LEONI since February 2020. I started off as a working student in Product Lifecycle Management, where I carried out a small usability study on our change process despite Covid and helped in creating a dashboard. Following internal restructuring, I landed in Process IT and was able to get a taste of workflow programming. Shortly before my graduation, I was approached by my manager, who asked me whether I was interested in joining the IT Solutions team on a full-time basis – and I’ve now been part of this team for a whole year already. One year on, I work and code with my team and we are totally in sync with each other. What this means specifically is that I optimize our existing product change management process.

This is my job

As an IT process consulting expert it is my task, together with my team, to optimize our existing product change management process. This also involves me acting as an interface between users and colleagues who feed in the requirements and, in addition, taking on some coding tasks. 

What excites me about this? The variety of jobs and the autonomy that we enjoy. I always say that coding is like solving a puzzle, sometimes it can be like looking for Easter eggs. I always have a specific goal, but it is up to me how I get there. Sometimes it may take a bit longer to find the right method, but it is a great feeling when it works out. And so, I keep learning new things, and every day brings surprises. I find that very fascinating.

My daily routine

Start of the day

First thing in the morning I always head directly for the coffeemaker. I am an absolute coffee junkie, and I love the smell of freshly ground beans that permeates the apartment. My favorite way to enjoy the first cup is quietly with a good book. If I go to the office, I try to cycle to work whenever possible – fortunately, that is not particularly difficult because I live just over a mile away.


First, I check my inbox and look at my diary to see what is scheduled. Which tasks take priority? Are there any new inquiries from colleagues? Have users experienced unexpected problems? The top priority is fixing errors in ongoing processes in LEOparts, our product and document management software. This is very important because this software manages the entire lifecycle of a part: from the customer's request through to design and the production site. Once all this is done, I coordinate with our German and Tunisian teams and discuss which process optimizations are up next.

Lunch break

By 12 noon I am usually already very hungry, and I go to the Kupferkessel, our canteen in Kitzingen, in the company of my colleagues. I like the good selection on offer, and you can always find a dish you like; I also greatly enjoy using the time I spend with my team to discuss the job and personal stuff. There is always more you can find out about your colleagues. Something we always do during our break is to go for a walk around the building together.


After lunch, if not earlier, I start programming. My favorite place to program is in the office because desk sharing allows me to change desks every day, plus I have the luxury of a height-adjustable desk and two large screens. If I need a bit more quiet, I can withdraw to one of the small work corners at any time. As soon as something has been programmed, I forward it to my colleagues for testing and then process their feedback. In this way we arrive at our goal, step by step.


Depending on what is scheduled for the evening, I like to finish work between 5 and 6 p.m. I usually go directly from work to get some exercise. LEONI definitely offers me the opportunity to have a good work/life balance.

My view of LEONI as an employer

I like the support from IG Metall, a large labor union, very much because the pay scale offers very attractive salaries. Ultimately, however, for me the decisive factor was the opportunity of mobile working, the trust-based working time and flextime. This is because I am certainly not a morning person; I enjoy not having to start work at a set time and being able to arrange my working hours flexibly. 

I also think it's great that I was able to assume responsibility within my team very quickly and that you grow with your tasks. Even as a working student, I was able to make my own decisions and work independently. 

And: I love the atmosphere in my team! We can laugh and joke together and, at times, we can get annoyed together when something doesn't quite work as planned. As one of the few women in IT, I have never been patronized as I previously had thought I might be, quite the opposite: everyone without exception accepted me and always supported me. So, ladies, venture into IT, the opportunities are so many and varied!

LEONI as an employer in three words? Team solidarity, future security, and internationality.

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